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What Is the Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill, also known as medical abortion, is a method to terminate an early pregnancy, typically used up to 10 weeks from the last menstrual period. It involves two medications: mifepristone and misoprostol. If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy, get free pregnancy testing and options counseling at the Southern Ohio Pregnancy Center. Call us

What Are the Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

A medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, is a serious medical procedure even when overseen by a health professional. Purchasing the abortion pill online adds to the risks women should be aware of before proceeding.  Authenticity & Legality of Online Medications  Despite what you may read, the FDA advises against ordering abortion pills

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Often, when a woman discovers she’s unexpectedly pregnant, she panics. Do you feel that way about your pregnancy? You’re afraid to tell anyone, and you’re not sure what to do. If you’re considering ordering the abortion pill online, be careful. Some sites offer inexpensive drugs but aren’t regulated for dosage or quality. Get the facts

I Don’t Want To Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Whether you feel outside pressure or pressure you’ve put on yourself regarding abortion, it is not your only option. You have two alternatives that offer a journey of hope for your pregnancy. Keep reading to learn what they are. You Have Two More Options You have more than one option when it comes to your

How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

If you are struggling with feelings of guilt, shame, sadness, or loss after experiencing an abortion, you are not alone. Many women struggle with these feelings after an abortion.  You deserve to find hope and healing after your abortion. Reach Out Experiencing post-abortion emotional struggles can be isolating. You may feel like you can’t share

3 Things Needed Before an Abortion

Are you considering abortion as the outcome of your unexpected pregnancy? Before you decide, these three essentials are needed to make a confident decision.  Getting these three things before an abortion can help you prioritize your safety.  Pregnancy Test While this may seem obvious, you first need a high-quality pregnancy test. Pregnancy symptoms alone are

What Are the Mental Health Risks of Abortion?

Many women overlook the mental health risks while weighing the risks of abortion against the benefits. Though not as obvious as the physical effects of abortion, the mental health risks are just as important to consider. There is no way to accurately predict how a woman will respond mentally to an abortion. Some women may

My Partner Is Pressuring Me to Have an Abortion, But I’m Not Sure

Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and feeling pressure from your partner to abort? An unplanned pregnancy can be frightening, and you may feel overwhelmed.  Know that you are not alone! You deserve to feel secure and make the decision that is right for you. How Are You Feeling? It is normal to experience a

What Are the Risks of the Abortion Pill?

Like every medical procedure, the abortion pill carries risks that should be considered when choosing an outcome for your pregnancy. Before taking the abortion pill, you should receive a physical exam to give your provider the information they need to maintain your safety. What Is the Abortion Pill? The abortion pill, also known as a

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What are the different types of abortion?

Before choosing abortion for your unplanned pregnancy, learn the facts about the different procedures. We can also share the potential side effects and risks. We want you to be fully informed.

Am I Really Pregnant?

Every woman experiences pregnancy differently. One woman may feel several pregnancy symptoms immediately, while another may not feel any for several months. Other health issues can even cause some common pregnancy symptoms.

What Do I Do If My Partner's Pregnant?

We promise you are not alone in this situation. She needs you now more than ever. It’s vitally important you provide her with the support she needs –emotionally and physically. We can help.