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Whether you feel outside pressure or pressure you’ve put on yourself regarding abortion, it is not your only option. You have two alternatives that offer a journey of hope for your pregnancy. Keep reading to learn what they are.

You Have Two More Options

You have more than one option when it comes to your pregnancy. You don’t have to feel stuck or pressured into abortion if you don’t want one. 

1. Adoption

Maybe you are hesitant about the adoption option because you feel uninformed. Our team at the Southern Ohio Pregnancy Center is here to give you more information about all three types of adoption: open, closed, and semi-open adoption.

Open adoption is the most common type of adoption, as it gives you the most opportunity to build a long-term relationship with your child and the adoptive family. You and the adoptive family will decide when visiting hours are, what type of contact is made, etc.

Choosing adoption could be a great option for you if:

  • You’re not ready to parent
  • You don’t want an abortion
  • Your living circumstances are not safe for a child right now
  • You desire to provide a financially and emotionally stable environment

Talk to us today to express your concerns and ask questions. We are here to inform and equip you for what’s to come.

2. Parenting

Though parenting can seem intimidating, you may not know what kind of support exists. It’s a journey of sacrifice but also great love and joy.

Free Parenting Classes

There is no better way to prepare for parenting than to learn about pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care. We offer BrightCourse, an online program to help you understand the basics.

Our classes include lessons on proper nutrition, breastfeeding, labor and delivery, infant development, and more. We want you to be a successful parent, and our classes offer the instruction to assist you.

Community Referrals

We also provide community referrals at no cost to you. Our community offers tremendous resources to assist you in raising your family. We provide many referrals for many of the following services:

  • Ohio Food Assistance Program
  • Ohio Housing Assistance Vouchers
  • Ohio Healthy Start (SCHIP)
  • Ohio Child Care Assistance Program
  • Free medical care
  • Free legal assistance
  • Utility bill assistance

Contact Us Today

We know this decision process is challenging, but adoption and parenting have great benefits. 
Schedule a no-cost appointment to learn more about your options for adoption and parenting. You won’t regret it.

Know my state.
Know my options.


What are the different types of abortion?

Before choosing abortion for your unplanned pregnancy, learn the facts about the different procedures. We can also share the potential side effects and risks. We want you to be fully informed.

Am I Really Pregnant?

Every woman experiences pregnancy differently. One woman may feel several pregnancy symptoms immediately, while another may not feel any for several months. Other health issues can even cause some common pregnancy symptoms.

What Do I Do If My Partner's Pregnant?

We promise you are not alone in this situation. She needs you now more than ever. It’s vitally important you provide her with the support she needs –emotionally and physically. We can help.